Thursday, December 25, 2008

Love, Without Conditions

When we think about what it means to love someone, we usually think happy, positive thoughts. But love in its purist form is not that way. The love that the Bible speaks about, is love even when someone doesn't treat you kindly in return. Love, even when you are despised and hated. The love that God has for us now, and the love Jesus had for those that crucified him.
Years ago, in the midst of some difficult years with the boys, I can remember thinking to myself "I hate these kids!". Truth be told, I meant it at the time.
Over the past several years, as I have learned more about positive thinking and my walk with God has grown closer, that statement has changed to "Thank-you God for bringing me three healthy children".
Sometimes things are happening in our lives that are not pleasant. But we need to find some good and be thankful for that.
We need to thank and praise God for the things He has done, and wait upon Him to change what needs changing.
We need to Love our children, even when their behaviors and attitudes need changing.
A year ago Mother's Day, not one of the children gave me a card. A friend asked me "Aren't you upset?"
"No", I replied, "life is about more than a card".
And it is about more than a card. It is about my attitude in the situation. I can't change the circumstances, but I can change how I deal with it.
I had a lot of anger towards Rich over the years, for some of the things he has done to me and this family. Last year came a turning point for me of letting go of the anger and beginning to love him, in spite of his behaviour. As yet, he hasn't changed the negative things he is doing. However, I can honestly say that now my eyes look upon him with love and hope for what could be.
The rest is in God's hands.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post. The truth is not always "nice" or "pretty" but it is what sets us free and where we can access God and His awesome power. He will not come onto the "De nial cruise" nor stoop into the shadows, but once we step out into the light of Truth the healing begins.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.
