Saturday, January 17, 2009

What's Your Driver? (Part I)

Most of us know what a driver is when talking about computers. But how many of us know that we as human beings also have drivers?
A driver for a computer makes your program run (the printer driver).
Your driver causes you to do things.

Basically there are three drivers (modalities).
Auditory (hearing)
Kinesthetic (feeling)

This is based on NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming.

There are two sub-modalities of tasting and smelling. Each of us has a pattern of modalities.
Mine, as I figured out is:
It explains why when I meet someone for the first time I might have a hard time remembering their name. Unless there is something unusual about the person. Firstly, I am looking at them. Secondly, I am feeling their energy. Thirdly, I hear their name.

Now let's go to an example of how my modality pattern was causing a behavior I didn't want.
Each week at the grocery store, as I was rounding the last corner before checking out, I would see in front of me the bakery cookies.
These were the sugar cookies with the bright colored sugar on them. Bright pink and bright blue.
Sure enough, each week I would buy a pink sugar cookie.
Once I understood my driver (modalilty), I understood why I went right for the cookie. Why?
Because I am visual and it attracted me!! Each week when I walked up the last aisle, they were right in front of me.
So how did I stop myself from being attracted to the cookies?
I walked down the last aisle instead of up-so I wasn't looking at the cookies!! It worked!!
That is just one example.
Before anything else, you must figure out your own modality pattern.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pain-Physical or Emotional Cause?

Do you suffer from a chronic ache or pain? Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
What you probably didn't realize is that your body speaks to you and lets you know how you can stay and be well.
Say that again???
The right side of your body is associated with the physical body.
The left side is associated with the emotional body.
If you are having problems with your left arm, I would challenge you to seek the underlying emotional issue that you have not dealt with.
If it was your right arm, you are not taking care of yourself physically.
It could be any body part or organ, the first thing you need to identify is which side it is on, or which side is worse.
{In a future post we will look at the exact location/organ for more advanced insight into your health issues}

A healthy body should be balanced as far as your right side and your left side.
Your animal is the same way. That was how I first learned to understand this side of energy medicine.
Let's say you have a left side ache. Lay down in a quiet place and ask yourself:
"Is there anything that I am upset about?"
Take the first thing that pops into your head. If it doesn't all make sense, try to understand what you can, and work thru it from there.
Sometimes just acknowledging what is bothering you is enough-you don't need to solve the whole issue. Your spirit wants to know that you listen to it, and will help yourself stay healthy.

If it is a right side ache, something physical is going on-either an illness not diagnosed, or perhaps you are just running yourself down.
This was played out in my own life several weeks ago. It was Thursday, the day I teach spin, and I felt a little drained physically when I got up in the morning. I had taught an animal communication workshop the night before and I figured that might have been the cause.
During our stretches after the class, I noticed that the right side of my body was tighter than the left. So I was correct in my intuition-my body was feeling a little tired.
So I took it a little easier the rest of the day.
I have many more examples of people and animals, that confirm what I am explaining to you.
Will you listen to your body today?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cindy Anthony-A Mother's Heart

I have said to my husband many times, that I would be a great juror for the defendant.
How could I help but be with the situations my own children have been in?
I also believe "there but for the grace of God go I". When we watch t.v. and start to judge others, we must step back and understand that as humans we are all prey to evil (demon-see previous post) thoughts and actions. Satan is the Prince of the Air, God has given him reign until the end of the world.
We have been in our new neighborhood for almost three years. When we lived on "S' st., we were the outcasts in the cul-de-sac. This happened over a period of years as my kids terrorized
the other children and wrecked havoc in the town.
One Halloween when Rich was 14, he and a friend threw some opened beer cans into the street. Just so happened two of the neighborhood kids were walking there with their parents at the time.
Sure enough he and his friend were arrested, and charged with attempted assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Rich couldn't get away with a crime if he tried!!
One father who lived right next door, wrote a letter to the police. It said in part the we allowed Rich to run wild and we were responsible for his behaviour. That he had been acting out for years (true!).
My heart ached when I read that. If he only knew how hard we had tried, and some of the challenges we had faced. But he didn't care about any of that. He judged us as he saw fit.
Before that we had been fairly friendly with him and his wife.
I have learned to have more compassion, and Bill has learned compassion over the years.
I can't stand to watch Nancy Grace for more than a few minutes, because I feel so sorry for the Anthony family.
Cindy and George have lost a granddaughter, and will most likely lose their daughter to jail or worse.Their lives will never be the same. I send up prayers for them when I see the news.
I even feel sadness for Casey. Whatever she did can't be undone. But in that space is room for remorse and change .
Is she remorseful? I don't know and it is not for me to question. That is an area for grace-God's grace.
Did Cindy and George hide anything from the police, even if only after the fact?
I know I would! That is an honest assessment. Any parent that says otherwise, isn't being honest, and has probably never had dealings with the police and their children.
So let's not call Casey "A monster", and make comments about her family.
God gave of freedom of choice, and Satan is roaming the earth with his minions trying to influence our thoughts.
None of us always make the right choice. It's just that the mistakes we make are not so permanent as the death of a child.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Blood of a Blessed Grandmother

My mother is a very special person. Anyone that knows her thinks the same thing.
She is humble, kind, always thinks the best of people and trusts in God.
She exhibits Faith, Hope, and Love. Love she does the best!
{For myself-I have the faith and hope down, its the Love I need to work on!}

I never knew my mother's father. She had always led us to believe that he died young.

As adults, she told us the real story. My mother's older sister was born at of wedlock (by the same man)three years before mum. After my grandmother delivered my mother, she wanted to "sell her" to someone in the town (in Nova Scotia), as her boyfriend's family wouldn't let him marry her. My great-grandmother wouldn't allow it and raised my mother until she was 14.

At that time she went to live with my grandmother who was now married and living in the states.

When mum told us this, there was no enmity towards her mother. We always visited my grandmother when she was alive and nothing my mother ever said or did would have prepared me for this revelation.
That is an example of her loving heart.
Just last month she told me something else- just in passing that led me to know she is a has on her life "a special blessing".
Years ago when I was 5 , the 7 yr old daughter of a good friend died.My mother mentioned that we had been visiting with this friend for a few days when the friend turned to my mother and said"You're kids are so bad".
She said it more than once and my mother ended up crying.
A few days after that the phone rang.
"Janies dead, and God is punishing me for what I said to you", came the anquished cry.

When my mum first told me this,(again she mentioned this just in conversation) I said oh no, God would never do that.
Then I thought more about it and have changed my mind. Janie wasn't sick- she got a "flu" and collapsed on the way to the hospital.
Since doing the animal communication I have become confident of my skills of "knowing", and I know that my mother is blessed and I do believe that God showed his wrath.
If you look in the Bible you will see that their were certain people that had the heart of God. David was one of those people. Also, the father passed down a blessing and he didn't always pass in to the oldest child (the spirit of God led the patriach to which child it would go to).
What does this mean to me?
Now when I petition God for spiritual help with my oldest two sons (see previous posts), I remind him of the blood in my veins and in the blood of my children-
They have the blood of a blessed grandmother in their veins!
Be persisent in your prayers-your faith and petitions please the Lord-even when you cannot see anything happenning!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ejecting Noxious Friends

Do you have some friends that have been in your life forever? Have you come to realize that perhaps some of them drag you down when you are with them?

I had a friend I will call Lynn that I had known from my work days, before I met my husband.
She was always a bit neurotic. But heck what is a small amount of nuerosis with a long time friend?

We happened to go to the same gym and I would see her at least several days a week.

One day I walked into the gym and she couldn't wait to talk to me-
"Did you hear what happened to Joan's husband"? Joan also was a gym member.

"No, I didn't"
"It's been all over the newspapers, about him embezzeling money from his company. The Feds have been watching him for several years".

I know what it is like to have your loved ones in the paper. My children have been in there enough times. The times when I knew that their names would be in there, I didn't read the paper.

"I asked her if he really did it", she whispered to me.
I couldn't believe she said that to Joan! It was at that moment I knew I didn't want this person in my life anymore.
As it had happened, Lynn and her husband had bought a place in NH and were going there quite frequently, so we already hadn't been getting together with them as much.
I didn't call or e-mail her, and she didn't reach out to me.
That kind of relationship is not good for any of us. Did I miss her?
Yeah, sometimes.
But I know that in order to raise my own vibration levels for health , prosperity and happiness, anyone that is negative and mean has got to go!
Recently I changed gyms, and the day I was at the front desk canceling my membership, who came in but Lynn! We chatted briefly, and as she walked away she said:
"E-mail me sometime and we'll get together".
I thought about it-but I didn't contact her and I'm glad. I know that my energy will be better off for it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Animal Communication-closed thoughts

Many times when I meet someone for the first time and explain to them that I am an animal communicator their response is the same-
"So, does that mean you can read my mind?"
No, I cannot read your mind! I also cannot read an animal's mind.
During the communication process, the information that I get from the animal is what he/she wants to give me.
That is why before I do a communication for someone, or before a workshop, I will always have the animal's guardian verbally give their animal permission to speak with me openly.
Your animal, just like your child/spouse, is part of your family and will tend to be guarded about his/her family life. However, if given permission, they know that it is o.k. with their guardian to speak to me.
Many times over the years, I have been doing a workshop and seen this happen.
Once a woman that bred border collies was in my workshop. One of her collies was very talkative to the person he was communcating with. One of the other ones, was very quiet and didn't give much info. at all.
"Did you tell your dogs that someone would be communicating with them?", I asked her.
"Yes, we were in the car going to a show and I told them then. Oh, thats right. Sadie wasn't in the car that day".
The same is true of people and animals, I will pick up their energy. But if they want their thoughts closed off from me, I won't know what they are.
So don't worry if you meet me-I won't know your secrets!!

The Practical Disciple: Quick New Year Resolution Suggestion

The Practical Disciple: Quick New Year Resolution Suggestion
I committed to praying for one year for a couple we knew whose adult son had committed suicide.
I prayed Isaiah 40:33 for them and I let them know the scripture I was praying.
It is a wonderful way to uphold one another.

LIFESTYLE AND RELATIONSHIP: Relationship Rules : Tips on how to build a healthy love life with your spouse#links

LIFESTYLE AND RELATIONSHIP: Relationship Rules : Tips on how to build a healthy love life with your spouse#links
Thanks for the wonderful column.More couples should take that to heart!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gratitude in Prayer

How do you begin your prayers each day? Do you start with what you need from God?

Let's face it, for most of us, time is precious and we want to make sure that the Lord knows what we need help with.

Let me challenge you to begin each prayer session with thankfulness and gratitude for what God has done.
All three of my children were born prematurely and healthy, and even though the oldest is now 23 I still thank Him each day for their healthy births.

You must know how it feels when you do something nice for your loved ones and they don't even notice, or say "thank-you". Instead, they complain about something you didn't do right!

If you've read "The Secret", this is talked about as the gratitude principle. The universe keeps giving us more of what we put our energy into. If we gripe and complain, more of the stuff to gripe and complain about comes our way. If we are thankful, more of things to be thankful about comes our way.

More than anything else, God desires a relationship with us.

He knows our needs, althought He still wants us to petition and pray fervently for those needs.

Sometimes I even feel that God is testing me to see if I will give-up praying for something because I haven't seen results.

Each prayer session for me begins with thanking God for the things in my life that He needs to be thanked for, and some of those things I thank Him everyday for!

Recently, I have been praying for my middle son to be more social toward Bill and me. He doesn't always talk a lot. About a month ago I mentioned to Bill that I thought Brian was opening up more to me-although he probably only said two words! I began to thank-God for the change in his attitude, even though it was so slight.
Earlier this week, he was talking up a storm to me! He talked to me more in two days, than in two years!!
It is important to thank God for what there is to be thankful for, and pray for what needs praying for. I don't care what your situation, there must be something you can be thankful for.

External praise and thankfulness=internal worship

What can you be thankful for today?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rewrite The Day

So many times we start the new year with such high hopes of what we want to accomplish in the coming year. How much weight to lose, things we want to see and do before years end.
Then the year is gone before we know it!
What happened to all of our wonderfully thought- out goals?
What happened was somewhere along the way, we lost the belief that we could do what we set out to do, and deep in our sub-conscious we sabataged ourself.
This is one reason why it is so important to set some goals that we know we can achieve, and some goals we must strive for with more effort.
Each time you finish a goal, your brain files that away with the belief that the next goal you think about you can achieve.
Having a hard time getting started with this? Join the club!
One of the ideas that I learned about in "The Secret" was called "rewriting the day".
At the end of the day, when you lay down for bed, think about what happened that day.
Were there some things that didn't go the way you had wanted? If so, go back over that in your mind and "rewrite" the outcome of that for what you had wanted to happen.
Do this every night and you will train your sub-conscious into knowing that you can achieve your goals, because the brain only knows what you tell it-it does not know reality from fiction!!
Your brain operates like a film producer-so script the movie and outcomes you desire!