Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ejecting Noxious Friends

Do you have some friends that have been in your life forever? Have you come to realize that perhaps some of them drag you down when you are with them?

I had a friend I will call Lynn that I had known from my work days, before I met my husband.
She was always a bit neurotic. But heck what is a small amount of nuerosis with a long time friend?

We happened to go to the same gym and I would see her at least several days a week.

One day I walked into the gym and she couldn't wait to talk to me-
"Did you hear what happened to Joan's husband"? Joan also was a gym member.

"No, I didn't"
"It's been all over the newspapers, about him embezzeling money from his company. The Feds have been watching him for several years".

I know what it is like to have your loved ones in the paper. My children have been in there enough times. The times when I knew that their names would be in there, I didn't read the paper.

"I asked her if he really did it", she whispered to me.
I couldn't believe she said that to Joan! It was at that moment I knew I didn't want this person in my life anymore.
As it had happened, Lynn and her husband had bought a place in NH and were going there quite frequently, so we already hadn't been getting together with them as much.
I didn't call or e-mail her, and she didn't reach out to me.
That kind of relationship is not good for any of us. Did I miss her?
Yeah, sometimes.
But I know that in order to raise my own vibration levels for health , prosperity and happiness, anyone that is negative and mean has got to go!
Recently I changed gyms, and the day I was at the front desk canceling my membership, who came in but Lynn! We chatted briefly, and as she walked away she said:
"E-mail me sometime and we'll get together".
I thought about it-but I didn't contact her and I'm glad. I know that my energy will be better off for it!

1 comment:

  1. It isn't a easy thing to do, but you made the right choice. God warns us about those who gossip. We are to build up, encourage others, not pull them down. By the way, my name is Dee.
