Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cindy Anthony-A Mother's Heart

I have said to my husband many times, that I would be a great juror for the defendant.
How could I help but be with the situations my own children have been in?
I also believe "there but for the grace of God go I". When we watch t.v. and start to judge others, we must step back and understand that as humans we are all prey to evil (demon-see previous post) thoughts and actions. Satan is the Prince of the Air, God has given him reign until the end of the world.
We have been in our new neighborhood for almost three years. When we lived on "S' st., we were the outcasts in the cul-de-sac. This happened over a period of years as my kids terrorized
the other children and wrecked havoc in the town.
One Halloween when Rich was 14, he and a friend threw some opened beer cans into the street. Just so happened two of the neighborhood kids were walking there with their parents at the time.
Sure enough he and his friend were arrested, and charged with attempted assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Rich couldn't get away with a crime if he tried!!
One father who lived right next door, wrote a letter to the police. It said in part the we allowed Rich to run wild and we were responsible for his behaviour. That he had been acting out for years (true!).
My heart ached when I read that. If he only knew how hard we had tried, and some of the challenges we had faced. But he didn't care about any of that. He judged us as he saw fit.
Before that we had been fairly friendly with him and his wife.
I have learned to have more compassion, and Bill has learned compassion over the years.
I can't stand to watch Nancy Grace for more than a few minutes, because I feel so sorry for the Anthony family.
Cindy and George have lost a granddaughter, and will most likely lose their daughter to jail or worse.Their lives will never be the same. I send up prayers for them when I see the news.
I even feel sadness for Casey. Whatever she did can't be undone. But in that space is room for remorse and change .
Is she remorseful? I don't know and it is not for me to question. That is an area for grace-God's grace.
Did Cindy and George hide anything from the police, even if only after the fact?
I know I would! That is an honest assessment. Any parent that says otherwise, isn't being honest, and has probably never had dealings with the police and their children.
So let's not call Casey "A monster", and make comments about her family.
God gave of freedom of choice, and Satan is roaming the earth with his minions trying to influence our thoughts.
None of us always make the right choice. It's just that the mistakes we make are not so permanent as the death of a child.

1 comment:

  1. What a timely post and a great point. We are so quick to boast being graceful with people we know but somehow think it is okay to make judgment and horribly unloving comments about this news cast people, not realizing, they are people, and Christ died for them too.

    In agreement that this family needs and deserves our prayers. And even though Casey's life is forever changed, a bigger issue is unknown, what is here final destination.
