Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pain-Physical or Emotional Cause?

Do you suffer from a chronic ache or pain? Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
What you probably didn't realize is that your body speaks to you and lets you know how you can stay and be well.
Say that again???
The right side of your body is associated with the physical body.
The left side is associated with the emotional body.
If you are having problems with your left arm, I would challenge you to seek the underlying emotional issue that you have not dealt with.
If it was your right arm, you are not taking care of yourself physically.
It could be any body part or organ, the first thing you need to identify is which side it is on, or which side is worse.
{In a future post we will look at the exact location/organ for more advanced insight into your health issues}

A healthy body should be balanced as far as your right side and your left side.
Your animal is the same way. That was how I first learned to understand this side of energy medicine.
Let's say you have a left side ache. Lay down in a quiet place and ask yourself:
"Is there anything that I am upset about?"
Take the first thing that pops into your head. If it doesn't all make sense, try to understand what you can, and work thru it from there.
Sometimes just acknowledging what is bothering you is enough-you don't need to solve the whole issue. Your spirit wants to know that you listen to it, and will help yourself stay healthy.

If it is a right side ache, something physical is going on-either an illness not diagnosed, or perhaps you are just running yourself down.
This was played out in my own life several weeks ago. It was Thursday, the day I teach spin, and I felt a little drained physically when I got up in the morning. I had taught an animal communication workshop the night before and I figured that might have been the cause.
During our stretches after the class, I noticed that the right side of my body was tighter than the left. So I was correct in my intuition-my body was feeling a little tired.
So I took it a little easier the rest of the day.
I have many more examples of people and animals, that confirm what I am explaining to you.
Will you listen to your body today?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carolyn,
    Thanks for visiting my Blog. I've not tried Massage as a stress releiver, except for the occasional head Massage. Should try it. Especially on Right Left Polarization.
    I loved reading your Blog! As a father of Two I can understand your feelings as a Mother!
    Thanks and Regards
