Friday, January 9, 2009

The Blood of a Blessed Grandmother

My mother is a very special person. Anyone that knows her thinks the same thing.
She is humble, kind, always thinks the best of people and trusts in God.
She exhibits Faith, Hope, and Love. Love she does the best!
{For myself-I have the faith and hope down, its the Love I need to work on!}

I never knew my mother's father. She had always led us to believe that he died young.

As adults, she told us the real story. My mother's older sister was born at of wedlock (by the same man)three years before mum. After my grandmother delivered my mother, she wanted to "sell her" to someone in the town (in Nova Scotia), as her boyfriend's family wouldn't let him marry her. My great-grandmother wouldn't allow it and raised my mother until she was 14.

At that time she went to live with my grandmother who was now married and living in the states.

When mum told us this, there was no enmity towards her mother. We always visited my grandmother when she was alive and nothing my mother ever said or did would have prepared me for this revelation.
That is an example of her loving heart.
Just last month she told me something else- just in passing that led me to know she is a has on her life "a special blessing".
Years ago when I was 5 , the 7 yr old daughter of a good friend died.My mother mentioned that we had been visiting with this friend for a few days when the friend turned to my mother and said"You're kids are so bad".
She said it more than once and my mother ended up crying.
A few days after that the phone rang.
"Janies dead, and God is punishing me for what I said to you", came the anquished cry.

When my mum first told me this,(again she mentioned this just in conversation) I said oh no, God would never do that.
Then I thought more about it and have changed my mind. Janie wasn't sick- she got a "flu" and collapsed on the way to the hospital.
Since doing the animal communication I have become confident of my skills of "knowing", and I know that my mother is blessed and I do believe that God showed his wrath.
If you look in the Bible you will see that their were certain people that had the heart of God. David was one of those people. Also, the father passed down a blessing and he didn't always pass in to the oldest child (the spirit of God led the patriach to which child it would go to).
What does this mean to me?
Now when I petition God for spiritual help with my oldest two sons (see previous posts), I remind him of the blood in my veins and in the blood of my children-
They have the blood of a blessed grandmother in their veins!
Be persisent in your prayers-your faith and petitions please the Lord-even when you cannot see anything happenning!

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