Saturday, December 27, 2008

Angels and Demons (?)-Part II

In Sep. of 2007, I met an older woman named Norma. Norma has lived in several other parts of the country, and most recently the mid-west. At the time we met, I was reading a book about demons and spiritual warfare (a list of recommended books will follow at the end of this series of posts). As she and I talked one day we began to talk about demons, and deliverance (another word for exorcism). As it turned out, Norma had been through deliverance in a group setting years ago, when she lived in Ohio. As she explained to me, she could sense that she felt different when she left the deliverance weekend. She had even been suicidal twice, before experiencing demon relief.
We become fast friends, and I know God put her in my life to give me more understanding and common ground to discuss what I was learning. In the northeast where I live, you don't hear as much about demons, deliverance and spiritual warfare as you do in other areas of the country. That made her friendship all the more important to me.
Once I began to understand demons-what they are and what they do, my next question was-
"Are demons causing some (if not all) of the problems that my children are experiencing?"
During the past few years, since I have been doing animal communications, I have become sensitive to energy moving around me (see previous post).
Now I was beginning to wonder if I would be able to feel the demon presence in my boys' rooms.
I walked into Rich's room and felt nothing. Brian and Tom's room, same thing.
Then, I used the spiritual warfare wording that I read in my book while I was standing in Richard's room.
All the hair on my body stood on end!

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