Sunday, December 21, 2008

Job 4:15

As an animal communicator and teacher, I am always sensitive to how I feel energy. When I first started to learn animal communication, I began to be aware that I felt a tingling sensation moving up and down from my feet to the floor. Everytime I asked other communcators if they felt the same thing, the answer was always "no". Then one day, in one of the books I read on the subject, the author said that she felt this same sensation.
Since that time, I have become even more sensitive to energy coming from animals and people. In one of the workshops I taught I got the sense that someone was there that didn't want to come that night. I voiced this to the group (always try to get verification), and no one said anything.
Then a woman piped up "I almost didn't feel like coming tonight".
I was surprised! I thought that that thought was coming from an animal.
I had a revelation during that class. That when I feel energy/thoughts, whether from people or animal they come in the same way to me.
Several years ago, I took my mother and sister to the Wayside Inn for lunch. It was my mother's birthday and she always loved this restaurant.
"Let's check out some of the other rooms", I suggested when we were done eating.
We walked down a narrow hallway and were just about to step down into a large room , with a kettle over a fire and a long narrow table.
Just at that point, all the hair on my body stood on end. I knew that I had encountered a ghost!
During lunch we had read that "The Wayside Inn" is on the national haunted houses register.
Suddenly I had an epihany! Those times when we get goosebumps (and we are NOT cold), we are encountering another's energy field.
After that experience, I discovered this Bible verse "A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end" Job 4:15 (NIV)
Now when I get goosebumps I evaluate several things. Is it from the space I am in?,or is it something I said?
Is it angel or demon? -More on this in later posts.
Thoughts and feelings-people and animals, tend to come with a tingling sensation. Almost like a static electricty.
Other entities, come as goosebumps. As my energy field moves against a foreign one, it knows that the energy it is encountering is different.
What energy have you been sensing lately?

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