Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do you WANT to be well?

My older sister Nancy is six years older than me and has bi-polar disorder. I was nine when she first got sick. I remember her doing odd things, like wanting to feed ice cream to the cat, and while baby sitting for neighbors, thinking they returned to the house and were spying on her.
She lives only about thirty min. away ,but I don't see her a lot. Sometimes, I really miss her-not who she is now, but who she used to be. When I would use her make-up (without asking), when she got her first car and she let me "test it" out on a side road.
The time her and I went to Lincoln Park, when it was an amusement park, with a couple of friends. As we left the park I mentioned to her that some poor soul got sick on Tilt-a-Wheel and spilled their purse contents on the ground. I saw the workers cleaning it up. "That was me" she said. We laughed so hard.
Thankfully she gets housing assistance and my mother still goes over once a week to visit and help her out. These past few years she has been so tired. She can't even seem to do a load of laundry.
I suspect that she is still using the pain pills she got when she had breast cancer about four years ago. My mother and I have tried to help her get to the bottom of her lethargy. But she doesn't seem to want to get well.
Ever since I have been doing animal communication, my telepathic skills have increased and with that came a lightening bolt of understanding into her psyche. One day I was looking at a picture of her and my mother together and I knew that she didn't want to get well. She liked being the way she was. Whether because" the devil you know is better than the devil you don't" or not, I can 't say.
Which brings me to my post of yesterday. Does Rich want to change? Right now, I don't believe so. He is my son and I love him , but God gave us all free will.
So I will keep praying knowing that I have the blood of a Godly mother and great-grandmother (whom I never met) in my veins. I will love Nancy and Rich as they are-just as God loves me.

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